"The derivative of a function at a chosen input value describes the rate of change of the function near that input value. the process of finding a derivative is called differentiation" - differential calculus.
The act of designing - in a certain sense, is a (sub) conscious endeavour to negotiate ‘change’ - to evolve and adapt, leading one to ‘create’ something. And in the act of creation, what one sets into motion is quite intriguing, once the time parameter is linked.
d[x] deals not with change as an isolated notion but with the ‘rate of change’ of a system with respect to specific entities.
Simply put:
constant change vs rate of change [or]
how the change
what’s the change
how fast or slow is the change
with reference to what is the change.
When we approach architecture as an endeavour to adapt, evolve and elevate with the changing environment, we believe that the resulting entity, would not only be contextually relevant and appropriate (aka functional) but also something that has a profound and deep meaning. The outcome is, again, not the means to an end but the beginning of the life of a new entity. At dof[x] we believe in questioning the the way architects approach a design issue. 'are we applying old solutions to new problems?', in a rapidly changing atmosphere?
We, will ask the relevant and most pertinent questions, apply the 'tool' of 'critical' and 'lateral thinking', to pull solutions 'out of the box'.